About the author

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Melanie A. Scott has been writing since junior high school.  She has had a professional article published in the US Coast Guard Electronic Systems Information Bulletin (1990), and a public interest piece, The Eyes of Paula Minor, published in the Retinitis Pigmentosa Young Adult Communiqué (Newsletter) (1982).  This is her first published work of fiction.


Ms. Scott is currently marketing several works of fiction, including a novel, Abmelanomia, a novella, Very Short Stories, and three short stories - Mama’s Big Brown Coat and Twenty Words, for a general audience, and The Cloak, for children.  She is also working on a book review essay, Blueprint for Black Power, A Lay Review, and an editorial essay, The Lynching of Amadou.


Ms. Scott was born, raised, and currently resides in The Bronx, New York.  A telecommunicator by profession, she is a public servant by choice, having spent the last twenty-plus years in government telecommunications on the federal, state, and municipal levels, including a four-year Navy tour in the late ‘70s.  Her enlistment took her to the Washington D.C. metropolitan area, where she lived for ten years.


Ms. Scott holds an Associate’s degree in English, a Baccalaureate in English and Communications, and a Master’s in Administrative Sciences.  She is currently working on her doctorate in Public Administration and Public Policy.


Ms. Scott and her partner have raised two sons and are proud grandparents of a 3 year old granddaughter and an 1 year old grandson.

There's a thin line between black and white

There's a thin line...

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